Monday, March 26, 2012

The Difference Between Parenting Ideas and Practice in ...

People without children often have a misconception about how things will be when they have their own on Washington DC New Years.? Their ideas change once the kids are born.

I remember being at a nice restaurant on washington dc new years with my fiance.? There were children on the other side of the restaurant, and we had to listen to one of them scream the whole time we ate.? I was actually pregnant at the time.? We both swore we would never ruin any one else's romantic dinner with a screaming child.? Better yet, our children would never scream in a restaurant at all.? Once we actually experienced wanting to go out for the first time in months with no available sitter, we realized sometimes parents just suck it up and go with the kids anyway.

Also, remember those days before your kids were born when all you knew was how it felt to have so much free time, and you just knew how perfectly you would raise your kids once it was time?? Remember how quickly all of those ideas flew out the window right when the baby was born?? So, the next time someone without Washington DC New Years children wants to give you advice about how you parent, tell them that you used to think the same way.? It is easy for someone without children to point out what they think you are doing wrong because they have never had their own.

Before I had kids, I wondered why other parents were so obsessed with sharing every little thing their child did, said, ate, learned, accomplished, etc.? Now that I am a washington d.c.

new years' mother, I understand what it is like to be proud of every single milestone and moment, no matter how "small" it is.

Not every one has kids.? Everyone has a general idea of how to parent well.? Healthy foods, balanced discipline, lots of love, good home, etc.? However, until you have Washington DC New Years children of your own, do not judge other parents.? It is easy to say what you will do when you do not have kids or before you become a parent, but putting your ideas into practice is harder than it seems.


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