Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Goodbye Amplify | Simbeck Hampson | Business Innovation

Goodbye Amplify

Amplify, Collaboration, Community, Google, Highlights, Social Media, Twitter

Well it finally arrived, my fair well email from?+eric goldstein, CEO of Amplify. Here are a few reflections on the time I spent on this great platform dating back to late 2009.

I wandered into Amplify from experimenting with Ning. Engagement in Ning had been Ok, but I was missing depth of conversation, people didn?t seem to have time to hang around and so it came as welcome surprise to be greeted so warmly on arrival at Amplify.

One of the first people to follow my account was Eric himself, which I still consider to be one of the highlights and is a real?#insight?for anyone managing a community. Soon there after I realised that this platform was different. It was a community of thoughtful considerate people who took time to engage, share and support one another around topics that were meaningful ? it was like a grown ups meeting place.

The Amplify team were constantly on the ball making improvements, asking for suggestions and generally involving themselves in the day to day running of the platform. I soon found my place and began to develop deeper relationships with great people like?+Joe Hackman+Flavio Pic?+Dave Grossman?+Alex Schleber?+JL Effron?+Daniel Durrant?+Jan Wyllie?+Elle D?Coda?+Stefan Svartling?+Meri Walker+Louis Gray?+Tim Southernwood?+June M?+Kurt Geer?+Diane Bjorling?+Ramon Nuez?+Polly Jones?+Morgaine LeFaye?+Danielle Ricks+Victoria Kamm?+Alex Puig?+Paul Chaney?+Viggo Andersen?+Tim Moore +Hugh Briss?+Bill Masson?+Grey Drane?+Lyndi Thompson?+Russ Jackson+Nick Floro?+Theo Tol?+Ileane Smith?to name but a few, if I missed you from the list, sorry, it?s not intentional, but the post must go on!

One of the joys of being involved with Amplify was the ability to help carve out it?s structure and features. Early on I helped Amplify become aquainted with?+Loic Le Meur?who?d purchased? integration with Amplify occured soon after. I then suggested to the Ampteam, as they were affectionately known, to add?#Apture, under the control at that time by?+Tristan Harris. Again the team formed a partnership and the Apture features were rolled out. Over time I got used to curating content using the clipper and the more I used it the more I understood the benefit of being able to find needles in the haystacks.

Currently there is all kinds of uproar and attention being focused on copyrighted material and ultimately it could result in fingers being pointed at curation platforms, Pinterest being one that comes to mind. Amplify took this into consideration and went through a number of revisions in policy about the amount the clipper could clip, so as to stay within the rules of copyright. As a result, we as the community, learnt about the importance of copyright, fair selection and citation; each clip that was made was elegantly framed, always cited correctly with a clear URL included to the original and the limit of clipped text restricted.

Some current clipping services like the new owner of Amplify,?+Gary Flake, from Clipboard, and?+Dorian Selz?from Memonic may want to review the issue of how much is legally allowed to be clipped, as both services, as far as I?m aware offer unlimited characters, which may not adhere to all the copyright and creative commons regulations ? I?m sure there are others here on G+ who can add more detailed information to support this, and?+eric goldstein?himself can for sure add support if asked.

Amplify had the a canary effect on me, I sang about it sweetly where ever I could. At every possible opportunity I would mention it to people, many came to the service from Twitter and Facebook, some stayed longer than others? I?m sure?+Marcia Conner?will remember the?#lrnchat?sessions where eventually people would say, yes, yes, we know about Amplify now Paul. As?+Michael Wu?would confirm, I was indeed a classic case of a ?Superfan?. Amplify never paid me a penny, nor any of the people listed above. My reason for singing was simply to let others know about this great place where we gathered the best of content and discussed it beyond a restriction of 140 characters.

Eric wanted, and indeed attained, a ?Cheers Bar? like feel to the site, he also described Amplify as a Parisian cafe, a place to pop in to get out of the hussle and bussle of the main noise, I agree with him, it did have that feel for a long time. Things of course did not go according to plan and changes made were not always popular, though Eric did his best to steer a fair course, eventually the community began to disperse which leads up to the recent announcement.

Before this post turns into a chapter of a book, I?d simply like to say a final Adios to the Amplify team and to my friend Eric and those who I?ve developed great friendships with, many of whom are now here on G+, so?

To all my friends at the?Amplify?bar, THANK YOU?and keep in touch!

Below are a couple of classic Amplify posts that many of you may remember, I hope they once again bring a smile to your face? (btw, all my posts and your comments are safely saved on my WP site at?

1. The Amplify Parade -?
2. Describe Amplify in Less Than 6 Words -? Hart?Top 100 list, 305 comments)
3. Ampsters Love to Rock -?
4. Ampsters, Sunnies, Margarita & Einstein -?




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